How to Contact Us

After 32 years with INNER SOUND (1990 to 2022) Sheila Hill, our UK based instructor, has retired!
We thank her for all her dedicated work and service to her community and her superb contritubion to INNER SOUND and Sound Therapy. She was Director of the School for Inner Sound UK & a Certified Instructor of Tunings Forks, Voice Workshop, Intro to Sound Therapy and a Personal Music Practitioner.
For virtual trainings, please contact Arden Wilken, Director of Education School for INNER SOUND and Co-Founder of INNER SOUND. Creator of: INNER SOUND TUNING FORK Trainings, the AUTOPHONETICS Voice Workshop trainings and the SOUND TOUCH Manual to play the motifs. With Jack Wilken she created all the other INNER SOUND Trainings, including the Practitioner Training in Therapeutic Music (distance learning).
Tel (USA): +001 (206) 618 3985