Music to help you sleep better
Dreamtime helps release blockages in the energy system, particularly in the third layer of the aura.
The tempo of the music promotes a cleaning effect helping to discharge energy wherever it might be trapped but particuarly in areas around the head, neck, solar plexus and feet.
This music helps discharge trapped energy that prevents restful sleep and promotes dream recall or more vivid dreams.
Additional Benefits from regular listening to this music:
For the Body
Substance abuse - helps repair and clear damage to the electromagnetic field caused by substance abuse
Premenstrual tension - helps alleviate emotional mood swings & irritability
Substance abuse (drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, etc)
Dreamtime helps repair and clear damage to the electromagnetic field caused by substance abuse
For the Mind
Memory improvement, regression; Alpha wave production; Dream work - helps strengthen and clean the electromagnetic field, particularly in relationship to the 3rd chakra & these themes
For the Emotions
For developing self-acceptance - Poor self-image and negative thought patterns are often rooted in the unconscious, or lower brain-waves states. Dreamtime promotes conscious awareness of such patterns and helps to clear them.