Inner Sound Tools for Self Discovery Series

Music for the Body: Floating in the Sea


Natural sounds and music. For profound and immediate relaxation.
(60 mins - CD / cassette)

Track 1: sea sounds from the Mediterranean
Track 2: sea sounds with the mythical echo of Sirens.


Primary INNER SOUND Motifs:

In the music on Side B/Track 2: Opening, Damage 1 and 2 and cleaning

Learn more about Motifs

Recommended listening:

Intensive use: 2-3 times a day
Normal use: as needed

This is the only INNER SOUND title where the primary effect comes from the psycho-acoustic effects forming part of the recording process; the music plays a supporting role.

This CD helps to activate the ‘relax’ response in the body, helping to enter quickly and deeply into this state.

Often, just by being able to relax deeply on a frequent basis, many problems at all levels of being can be resolved or healed.

There are no enhancement exercises for this title. Simply sit or lie in a comfortable position. Use headphones. Enjoy the experience.

Benefits: Details

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This disease is also known as ‘high blood pressure’. This music helps to resolve emotional and energetic blockages, which may be underlying this condition.

Focus of title: To promote immediate and deep relaxation.

Specific symptoms: Difficulty to relax
Use & Frequency: As often as desired
Method: With headphones while sitting or lying down


In massage the giver transmits contact through their hands to the body of the receiver. This music helps facilitate this contact.

Focus of title: To promote immediate and deep relaxation

Specific symptoms: The need to relax quickly; difficulty to relax
Use & Frequency: As long as needed during the session
Method: As background music


Often, just by being able to relax deeply on a frequent basis, many problems at all levels of being can be resolved. This state, called the ‘relaxation reflex’, identified by Dr. Herbert Benson, is reached when there is a dominance of brain waves at 7.8 cycles per second with balanced phasing between the hemispheres.

Focus of title: To promote immediate and deep relaxation

Specific symptoms: The need to relax quickly and deeply
Use & Frequency: As often as desired
Method: With headphones while sitting or lying down

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An important aspect of this theme is the ability to be in contact with feelings and emotions and to be able to express them to the outside.

Focus of title: To promote deep and immediate relaxation

Specific symptoms: restlessness, inability to relax
Use & Frequency: Once a day or as needed
Method: With headphones, if possible, or as background music while sitting lying or during activity

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