Deep Touch

Deep Touch

Music for Massage

Music for massage and heightening your enjoyment of physical contact

Detail: Track 1 - opens and cleans the energy pathways relating to touch perception. Track 2 - washes these pathways to create a deeper acceptance of contact.

Track 3 (CD only) is for painful sensations, both physical and emotional. It is the music from the audio cassette For PAIN. (Initially, listen to this track at a low volume until you find a volume level that suits you or your body)

Listening Tips: Intensive use: two times a day; Normal use: 1-2 times per week

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For Body Awareness

An important component of body awareness is an unbroken connection in the sensory pathways throughout the body

Promotes body awareness by helping to clear energy on the surface of the body relating to fear of contact
Symptoms: Difficulty to feel sensations in the body, desire to analyze everything, mental control
Use: Listen 1-2 times a day; With headphones while lying down breathing as deeply as possible

For Physical illness, acute (colds, flu, cough)

Helps speed up the flow of energy in the first layer of the electromagnetic field, supporting the body’s natural healing process
Symptoms: In acute illness as the symptoms begin to subside
Use: Listen 1-2 times a day until symptoms disappear; With headphones while lying down or partially reclining

For Stress, Short-term (studying for exams, project deadlines etc)

When sleep and time are short, it is difficult to maintain sufficient mental focus to complete the task at hand efficiently with few mistakes. This music helps to take the place of the sleep and rest necessary to do this naturally

Helps maintain fluid and sufficient breathing
Symptoms: Panicky decisions, anxiety, difficulty sleeping
Use: Listen 1-2 times a day or as needed; With headphones or with speakers during activity, or in bed before sleep

For Massage

Helps the transmission of contact through the hands from the giver to the receiver. It will also help the giver discharge emotional or energetic charge generated by this contact
Symptoms: During all types of massage
Use: Listen for as long as necessary during the session; As background music

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For Learning: Children (1-4 years)

Each age has distinct parameters that enter into the learning process that could be described as a difference in emphasis for physical, emotional and mental development. This music supports the learning process during the ages of 1-4 years.

Promotes good tactile development in all children
Symptoms: slow development
Use: Listen 3-4 times a week. (If any specific developmental problems exist, then 1-2 times a day); As background music

For Learning: Adolescents

Each age has distinct parameters that enter into the learning process that could be described as a difference in emphasis for physical, emotional and mental development. This music supports the learning process during the ages of 7-12 years.

Promotes tactile development and overall body coordination
Symptoms: All learning situations
Use: Listen before, during or after studying; With headphones or as background music

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For Developing Personal Power and Self-esteem

An integrated connection between the body, mind, emotions and energy fields is promoted by this music. When this integration is present so is personal power and self-esteem.

Promotes greater sensory perception, body and environmental awareness, and overall body coordination
Symptoms: As needed
Use: Listen once a day; With headphones or as background music

For Hyperactivity

Hyperactive children have an excess of charge in their bodies often with an emotional content that they have difficulty releasing. This music helps them to release it.

Promotes tactile development and overall body coordination
Symptoms: When condition is present
Use: Listen 1-2 times a day; With headphones, as background music or during massage

Deep Touch exercises


Use with Track 1: Best done on bare skin. Lie down and close your eyes, cross your ankles and put one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest (right-handed – right ankle over left and right hand on the abdomen; left-handed – left ankle over right and left hand on abdomen).

Imagine your hands melt into your body. Allow the music to enter the backs of your hands, penetrating deeply. Slowly break the contact when the music ends. This music is beneficial for any forms of contact, for example, massage.

Effect: Though the creative visualization prepares for Exercise 2 as well as promoting a stronger connection to subtle energy, it also aids in being able to experience the circulation of that energy more clearly.


Use with any track: Give yourself a very firm and systematic massage between each of your ribs, working down all of the spaces between each rib until you arrive at the sternum (breast bone in center of chest). Take extra time with sore spots.

Effect: Creates more direct mind/body connection. Promotes capacity to breathe by freeing up the muscles directly in the chest and sides of torso and indirectly by increasing the flow of energy through the activation of the acupressure points found in the chest.

Use: At least 4-5 times to create an integrated experience or as long as necessary to achieve desired results.

For the Body »

  • Deep Touch
  • Floating
  • Radiant Body
  • For the Emotions »

  • Inner Sun
  • Magical Garden
  • New Heart