Inner Sound Tools for Self Discovery Series

Music for the Mind: Voyage to Freedom


Track 1 - GRACE – cassette title 'For Fatigue'

This music helps to alleviate both short and long-term fatigue. It focuses on the psychological factors underlying fatigue, mainly lack of sufficient contact with mother, lack of mother’s love. Starting at minute 16 with the violin melody and strings, the music represents this vibration.

Track 2 - BEAUTY

Helps promote emotional bonding to alleviate the stress inherent in personal relationships.

Track 3– TRANQUILITY - cassette title ‘For Stress’

A common symptom of stress is the inability to concentrate, the mind from a quiet mental state leading to a relaxed body and helps integrate the movement created by tracks 1 and 2.

(60 mins - CD / cassette)


Primary INNER SOUND Motifs:

Track 1- Alpha, Conception, Hope and Hemispheric Balance

Track 2 –Hemispheric Balance, Opening, Contact

Track 3 - Hemispheric Balance, Left/Right Balance; Front/Back Alignment and Cleaning Hemispheric balance; Opening; Expansion; Alpha; and Theta

Learn more about Motifs

Recommended listening:

Intensive use: Entire CD 2-3 times a day
Normal use: Entire CD 3-4 times a week, or as desired

Benefits: Details

help icon - body

Allergies (dust, pollen,animal hair, etc)

Allergies occur when a false alarm is sent to the immune system, so that it reacts against otherwise harmless foreign substances such as pollen, dust, food, etc.

Heat, cold, sunlight and the emotions can all activate this reaction.

Focus of title: Helps to release mental stress that can be a contributing factor in food allergies, particularly if the stress is long term
Specific symptoms: Difficulty in concentrating or retaining information; thinking about the same things over and over
Use & Frequency: Acute - once per day; Chronic - 2-3 days per week
Method: Acute: with headphones while sitting or lying down; Chronic: with headphones while doing daily activities.

Allergies (food)

Focus of title: Helps to release mental stress, which can be a contributing factor in food allergies, particularly if the stress is long term
Specific symptoms: Difficulty in concentrating or retaining information; thinking about the same things over and over
Use & Frequency: Acute - 1-2 times per day; Chronic - 3-4 times per week
Method: Acute: with headphones while sitting or lying down; Chronic: either sitting/lying down or as background music with a Walkman or Discman while doing other things

Body Awareness

An important component of body awareness is an unbroken connection in the sensory pathways throughout the body

Focus of title: Helps to create a connection deep in the emotional body that enhances body awareness
Specific symptoms: Clumsy, awkward movements
Use & Frequency: once a day
Method: With headphones while sitting or lying down


This disease is also known as 'high blood pressure'. These titles help to resolve emotional and energetic blockages, which may be underlying this condition.

Focus of title: To help release mental stress which can be a contributing factor to hypertension
Specific symptoms: Stressful situation either short or long term
Use: Frequency:(Acute & Chronic) 1-2 times per day
Method: With headphones while sitting or lying down


In massage the giver transmits contact through their hands to the body of the receiver. This music helps facilitate this contact

Focus of title: To nurture
Specific symptoms: Feelings of abandonment, problems in musculature, ligaments, tendons, etc
Use & Frequency: As long as necessary during the session
Method: As background music

Physical illness, chronic (cancer, aids, birth defects, nervous disorders, multiple sclerosis, etc)

(Track 1) All layers of the electromagnetic field are affected in cases of serious or chronic illness. This music is complementary to all forms of treatment; however, it is not a replacement for professional medical care.

Focus of title: To help the body enter into a state of rest, lower brainwave states; provide nurturing energy on an emotional level
Specific symptoms: Whenever complete rest is desired, when spirits are low
Use & Frequency: As needed, up to 5 times a day, if desired
Method: With headphones while sitting or lying down

Physical illness, chronic (cancer, aids, birth defects, nervous disorders, multiple sclerosis, etc)

(Track 3)All layers of the electromagnetic field are affected in cases of serious or chronic illness. This music is complementary to all forms of treatment; however, it is not a replacement for professional medical care.

Focus of title: To help alleviate mental stress arising from the illness itself or secondary stress; worry about money, family issues, etc
Specific symptoms: Obsessive thoughts, worries, doubts, fears
Use & Frequency: Once or twice a day or as needed
Method: With headphones while sitting or lying down or as background music during activity

Stress, short-term (studying for exams, project deadlines, etc)

When sleep or time are short, it is difficult to maintain sufficient mental focus to complete the task at hand efficiently with few mistakes.This music helps to take the place of the sleep and rest necessary to do this naturally.

Focus of title: To help alleviate mental stress
Specific symptoms: Loss of mental clarity and focus
Use & Frequency: 1-2 times per day
Method: With headphones or as background music during activity.

Stress, chronic (caring for loved one, working long hours, etc)

The human energy system can withstand high amounts of stress both emotional and mental over prolonged periods of time when given proper support. This music is focused on providing that support in musical form.

Focus of title: To alleviate long-term stress
Specific symptoms: In situations of long-term stress whether or not there are specific symptoms
Use & Frequency: Once a day
Method: As background music or with headphones while sitting or lying down

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help icon - mind

Alpha wave production

A flexible mind can easily change and move into the different brainwave states depending on the desired activity. This music supports that flexibility of mental thought.

Focus of title: To help the body enter into a state of rest, lower brainwave states; provide nurturing energy on an emotional level
Specific symptoms: As desired
Use & Frequency: As needed
Method: With headphones while sitting or lying down

Expanding Consciousness; Mental Clarity

Focus of title: To alleviate short or long term stress
Specific symptoms:In situations of long-term stress whether or not there are specific symptoms
Use & Frequency: 3-4 times a week
Method:As background music or with headphones while sitting or lying down

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help icon - emotions

Well-being and Stability; Emotional Trauma (loss of job, death of loved one, divorce, separation, moving house, etc)

An important aspect of these themes is the ability to be in contact with feelings and emotions and then be able to express them to the outside in some way.

Focus of title: To alleviate short or lon-term stress
Specific symptoms: In situations of stress whether or not there are specific symptoms
Use & Frequency: 3-4 times per week
Method: As background music or with headphones while sitting or lying down

Well-being, Emotional Stability; Nurturing; For Developing Feminine and Masculine Aspect

An important aspect of all of these themes is the ability to be in contact with feelings and emotions and then be able to express them to the outside in some way. This music supports this movement by helping the body to relax while the mind remains alert.

Focus of title: To help the body enter into a state of rest, lower brainwave states; provide nurturing energy on an emotional level
Specific symptoms: As desired
Use & Frequency: As needed
Method: With headphones while sitting or lying down

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help icon - spirit


Focus of title: To help discharge excess mental energy to more easily enter into lower brainwave states
Specific symptoms: As desired
Use & Frequency: As needed
Method: As background music or with headphones while sitting or lying down

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Voyage to Freedom exercises

Exercise 1 – Track 1 & 2
Exercise 2 – Track 1 & 2
Exercise 3 – Track 3
Exercise 4 – Track 3
Exercise 5 – Track 3

There are several exercises for this music. The second focuses on the psychological factors underlying fatigue, mainly lack of sufficient contact with mother, lack of mother’s love. Starting at minute 16 with the violin melody and strings, the music represents this vibration.

The last three exercises have been taken from the For STRESS information and relate specifically to Track 3

no 1

Track 1 & 2 (Exercise from For FATIGUE)

Posture: sitting or lying down with headphones

Try to breathe slowly and deeply. Allow your diaphragm to relax so that the air can enter more easily into the abdomen first, then expand the sides of your body, your entire back and your chest.

Allow thoughts to come and go, and sensations to pass through your body. Let go as completely as you can into the music. If you fall asleep, that’s fine.

Eventually, what normally happens with this exercise is that your body will relax and your mind will be calm, clear and alert.


For entrainment purposes play it once or twice a day until your body is relaxed and your mind is calm and alert. Then, use it as needed.

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no 2

Track 1 & 2 (Exercise from For FATIGUE)

Posture: lying on your back

Start listening with your eyes closed. Breathe for a few moments as in Exercise 1. When you feel it, begin to slowly change your position to a fetal position, lying on your side with knees brought up to your chest and your head curled downward towards your knees and arms wrapped around your knees.

Do this very slowly, inch by inch, stopping after each small shift. This could take 10 to 15 minutes. When you arrive at the fetal position, stay there, assuming it is comfortable, until the music ends.

As you are making the movement be aware of the music washing through you and any feelings that might occur.

Take as long as you need to uncurl


This exercise can be done with a partner or friend who actually moves your body very slowly into the fetal position. You remain completely passive, without resistance. Allow the other person to move you.

This exercise is for working issues around nurturing.


3 to 4 times a week until you achieve the results you are looking for. In this case, keeping a journal about your feelings and images from this exercise would be helpful.

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no 3

Track 3 (Exercise from For Stress)

Posture: seated

Listen with your eyes open. When ready, put an index finger directly in front of you at arm’s length. Focus on it and follow it without turning your head as you move it very slowly to the right to a point just outside your field of vision. Without stopping, very slowly bring it back to your starting point in front of you and keep moving it to the left to a point just outside your vision on the left, then bring it back to center again.

If your arms get tired at any time, change hands. When you get back to the starting point, without stopping move your finger straight up until it is just out of sight. Return your finger to centre and move it downward just out of sight, then bring it back to centre.

Repeat this four pointed movement, maintaining a slow speed without moving any part of your body except your finger and your eyes. If your eyes become tired, close them, but try to continue the movement of your finger. Open them again when they are rested.

When the music stops, take a moment to notice any sensations or feelings.

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no 4

Track 3 (Exercise from For Stress)

Posture: seated with writing materials

Close your eyes for a moment and, as much as possible, enter into the flow of the music. Then open your eyes and allow yourself to write what comes. This could be in the form of single words, phrases, adjectives, feelings.

The focus of this exercise is to express on paper the obsessive thoughts. If you run out of things to write before the music ends, close your eyes again and relax into the music.

Do this as often as needed until desired results are achieved. Keep a record of what you wrote each time you do the exercise.

After 3-4 repetitions, you can review what you wrote and note any differences or changes.

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no 5

Track 3 (Exercise from For Stress)

Sit at a comfortable height table or other surface suitable for drawing with drawing materials.

Start the music, taking a moment to centre yourself. Breathe slowly and deeply. Then try and feel the music with your whole body. Allow your diaphragm to relax so that the air can enter more easily into the abdomen first, then expand the sides of your body, your entire back and your chest.

Choose a color to start drawing with and draw what you feel. This may be doodles, random shapes, faces, objects etc. if you want to change colors, do so. Avoid judging what comes out. It is not important to draw something recognizable. Allow yourself to spontaneously express what you are feeling as you are listening to the music. Continue to draw until the music stops.

Save your drawings so that you can review them together, their themes may lend added insights.

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